About our Water Leak Detection and Alert System

An unexpected water leak can be your worst nightmare, and your insurance may not cover it.

Your business or home plumbing is a network of pipes and connections under constant pressure up to 90 PSI. There are hundreds of connections, any of which could spring a leak at any moment. If you're not there when a pipe or joint leaks, the result can be a flood.

Water leaks come in two sizes – devastating and catastrophic.

Don't wait for it to happen to you. Now you have control over what happens whether you#39;re there or 3,000 miles away.

Every year, over 2 million people are affected by disruptive and expensive water leaks. The average cost of a water leak claim is $29,300. You can imagine what a flood, caused by a water leak, would destroy. Chances are that you know someone who has had a major water leak in their business or home. As plumbing ages, it's just a matter of time before you will be one of them.

The waterleakXsystem gives you 24/7 detection and control:

  1. Detects a leak and instantly closes the whole house main water valve. Optional 1" or 1-1/2" valves can be added to relieve all pressure eliminating further flooding and damage.
  2. Contacts you and two others of your choice via text pinpointing the leak's location.
  3. Gives you peace of mind knowing you have things under control even if you are away for an extended time.

Did you know your insurance may not cover you for a water leak?

Read your policy and all endorsements. Water leaks lead to mold. Some companies have taken steps to avoid or limit their exposure to mold claims. If you're unsure whether you have mold coverage or the amount of coverage you have, contact your insurance agent. Regardless of whether your insurance pays for any mold claims, you should take steps now to prevent mold growth in your home due to maintenance issues, and act quickly when water losses occur. That is what waterleakXsystems is all about.

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